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Nov 16, 2012

The Amalayer Trending

A video of a woman berating a lady security guard inside the LRT 2- Santolan station has gone viral Tuesday night and created a new buzzword: "Amalayer", which came from the passenger's pronunciation of "I'm a liar."

The video was originally posted by a certain Gregory Paulo Llamoso on his Facebook account, showed Paula Jamie Salvosa making a scene at the LRT station allegedly after the guard called her attention for passing the wrong entrance. The rest of the story was not caught on video yet it has been spreading in social networks with a hashtags #amalayer.

Nov 11, 2012

I'm Different

I maybe WEIRD..
but I'm not abNORMAL..

..Coz when we lose the right to be different..
we lose the privilege to be free. (",)

Nov 2, 2012

Feast of All Souls

Today is All Souls’ Day. The commemoration of all the faithful departed is celebrated by the Church on 2 November, the day after the feast day of All Saint's Day (1st November) where Christians remember all the known and nameless saints and martyrs who lived and died for God.

"Eternal Rest Grant Unto Them, O Lord,
and Let the Perpetual Light Shine Upon Them."

Nov 1, 2012

Wishing you a Blessed All Saint's Day

The day before the All Souls' Day, all People of different church denominations especially the Catholic Church, observe All Saint's Day, a widespread practice of Christians since the earliest days of the Roman Catholic church.

This is a celebration on which the Church solemnly commemorate and honours all the known and nameless saints and martyrs who lived and died for God and have helped in shaping the Christian faith across the world. 

According to some sources, the idea for All Saints' Day goes back to the fourth century when the Greek Christians kept a festival on the first Sunday after Pentecost in honour of all martyrs and saints. It was introduced in Rome on May 13, 610 as the “Feast of All Holy Martyrs” by Pope Bonifice IV. In his pontificate, Gregory III (731-741) changed the date and the name of the feast to November 1 and renamed the feast to All Saints/Hallows Day.

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